The Birmingham Astronomical Society
plans to participate, location(s) TBD. Ed Knight – Secretary
The International Dark Sky Assoc. headquarters will be out with scopes. no exact location yet, (520) 293-3198
East Valley Ast. Club plans to participate, location TBD. Sounds like fun!
We are based in the East Valley in the Phoenix metro area, which includes Gilbert, Mesa, Apache
Junction, Tempe, Scottsdale and other cities.
Members of the South Arkansas Astronomical Society will be setting up scopes at the Junction City Park May 19,2007 We are
based in South Arkansas. South Arkansas Astronomical Society
Coachella Valley (Riverside County)
Saturday, May 19 has been designated International Sidewalk Astronomy Night, a worldwide event. To commemorate
ISAN, local amateur astronomers have arranged three sites for sky viewing --
In Palm Springs:
Daytime telescopic viewing of the crescent Moon and Venus, in front of Nature’s Rx Natural Foods Store and Cafe,
on Sunrise Way, 0.2 mile south of Ramon Road, from 5 until 6 p.m.
Near and in Palm Desert:
Beginning at dusk, the Astronomical Society of the Desert will host a free public sky watching session, if the sky is clear,
at Sawmill Trailhead at elevation 4000 feet, just off Hwy. 74 about 15 miles south of Hwy. 111 in Palm Desert. Turn left off
Hwy. 74 onto Pinon Flats Transfer Station Road (look for the Cactus Springs Trail sign), about
0.4 mile past Sugarloaf Café on Hwy. 74. Then drive in 0.3 mile to the parking lot for the Sawmill Trailhead. Plan to arrive
before dark. For more information and a map, visit the Society’s web site at
For those who find it more convenient to attend a free sky watch in the city that evening, a telescope will be set up for
observations of the Moon and planets from 8:00 until 10:30 p.m., just outside the Barnes and Noble Bookstore in Palm Desert,
on Hwy 111 near Monterey Ave.
I'll be in front of Ben & Jerry's in downtown Burbank near the AMC theaters.
Tom White will be either be with me or possibly on the corner of San Fernando and Orange Grove. We'll
also have another scope somewhere in the area.
George Willis will be near the mall, across from IKEA near Chevy's.
I’ll be setting up one
(possibly two) telescopes on the 19th. Our evening targets are Saturn and the Moon. Location: Davis, California, USA Just west of Russell and
Lake, on the bike path just past where the lights end in “West”
Davis. Who: John Terschak Time: 8:30pm
to 11:00pm
California Art Center
10 inch dob at Lake Dixon Campgrounds, Katherine Boyd
and Jim Traweek
Bill Scott will have scopes out, location
to be announced.
My Name is AnnaMaria
I want to be part of the exciting Sidewalk Event
On the following date: May 19th, 2007
My home is at Modesto, California.
I like to find out if is other people at this city participating at this event.
near Lake Merritt exact address to be determined.
Stacy Jo McDermott
I inherited my father's '70's era 8" DynaMax SCT, and bought a 4 1/2" Newtonian at Big 5 Sports (mainly to check
out the German equatorial mount). I live in Petaluma, CA, about 40 miles north of San Francisco, and would like to set up
with some other folks. Anyone else in Petaluma?
Rosamond - Corner of B St and Rosamond Blvd
San Diego
Baloa Park
San Diego Astronomy Assoc.
location tba
San Francisco
San Francisco Amateur Astronomers and
San Francisco Sidewalk Astronomers will be at
Mt. Tam, Rock Springs parking lot, and also at Ghirardelli Square. Kenneth Frank . John Dobson will be among those out at Ghirardelli Square, along with several member of his previous telescope making
San Leandro
Jennifer Land - - setting up alongside a 24 hour (and all night) Relay for Life- a fund raiser for
the American Cancer Society. The event is being held at Burrell Field 2451 Teagarden Dr . San Leandro, CA
94577 The field is directly behind Marina Square Shopping center and just off the Marina Exit of highway 880.
Santa Fe Springs
I'll be participating with my 12 in. LX200 at Santa fe Springs High School in Santa fe Springs, Ca. Right now we
have a total of 7 scopes going in all sizes and brands. I know I'm asking late, Thanking you for your time JTMurray
Andy Poniros and the AStronomical Society of New Haven will be out in the New Haven/Hartford areas.
Boca Raton
I will be at the South Beach Park in Boca Raton at nightfall.
South Beach Park is at A1A and Palmetto Park Road, oceanside. I will have my 15" Obsession to view through.
Thanks! Becky Coretti
Astronomical Society from Central
Florida, is planning on doing the Sidewalk Astronomy Night Star Party. 28
observers, with different types of telescopes to include 2 sky windows, and Solar
observing during the day! We might end up getting some more scope volunteers,
but that's all for now! Thank-you so much for putting on this event!
Oscar Sifuentes
BAS out-reach coordinator Oscar Sifuentes
I will host a Sidewalk Astronomy night
event from 8:30 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. on the corner of McCall Rd. and Dearborn on Saturday, May19,2007. I will have three
telescopes set up for viewing. Frank Lock
Fort Pierce
Dewey Barker - - Escambia Amateurs Astronomy Association - starting around 7:30 P.M - Performance Pavilion Pensacola, FL
Tallahassee Astronomical Society will be at the North Florida Caverns State Park. Joseph Haley
exact location tba
I am planning on setting my scope up outside a local restaurant on Sidewalk Astronomy day. This will be in Snellville,
Georgia, a small town east of Atlanta. I am unaware of anyone else in the immediate area who is doing this.
I worked as an assistant at Fernbank Observatory for many years and am a pretty avid amateur astronomer. The
scope I currently use is a Celestron 925 XLT. William Smith Bill S.
We'll have a couple scopes at "The Wall" in Waikiki, where we try to go once a month when the moon is waxing gibbous. In
addition, Paul Lawler wants to set up a couple scopes near one of the mega-plex movie theaters/restaurant clusters at
Ward Stadium, between Waikiki and Downtown Honolulu. Barry Peckham
I'll take my 10" Meade Dobsonian out to an appropriate spot here in Kaneohe on that night. John M. Flanigan
Jeff Newsome will have scopes out somewhere
around Driggs or Jackson Hole, location to be announced
Joe Kabbes with the Harper Astronomy Club, will have a scope in front of the Jewel in downtown Barrington.
Latin School & Chicago Sidewalk Astronomy Club
Chicago Section--International Dark-Sky Assn.
Denis Erickson
Can you sign me up to your Sidewalk Astronomer's club? I
have a telescope that I will be setting up in front or in back of my house on Saturday, May 19 for anyone to come and
view. ~Henry F. Pukala
The Chicago Astronomers will be participating in the event on Saturday, and it looks to be clear
in Chicago for the night's activities. We will set up at our usual spot adjacent to the Adler Planetarium and will have
a good time, sharing the skies with the public, as always. Will have at least three telescopes in use and will
of course, document the event for the Chicago Astronomer website.
Telescope/Observatory Operator Adler Planetarium & Museum
Hello Donna and Sidewalk Astronomy Night folks,
Members of the Chicago Astronomical Society (CAS) will be hosting a Public Star Party on Sidewalk Astronomy Night, Saturday night, May 19th at the Little Red School House 9800 South 104th Ave. (Willow Springs Rd.) Willow Springs, Illinois 60480. We do monthly star parties at this location and
usually have somewhere around 6 to 12 telescopes and between 50 to 75 members of the public attending.
Good Luck to all the Sidewalk Astronomy Night participants!
Gerald Willey, member of the Northwest Suburban Astronomers. I will be in front of our Target Store at 2555 Sycamore Rd in DeKalb This is a good night with
Venus so near the Moon
A group from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville will be setting up at Annie's Frozen Custard with Questars.
The 183 members of the Louisville Astronomical Society would like to be counted in as participating in International
Sidewalk Astronomy Day on May 19.
We will hold it at Tom Sawyer State Park in Louisville, Ky., in the heart of the city's east end. We
will have a 12" Meade Lightbridge truss dob, a 7" Meade 178ED refractor, an 8" Meade SCT, a 10" Meade SCT and four club-built
Most importantly, we will be tucked away into the back of 450 acres making our little spot the darkest in
the park. But it will only be our base. From there, we can go out into the park by the baseball diamonds, BMX track, tennis
courts, hiking trails and walking trails to set up and let the thousands who use the park view through our club and member
scopes. Several shopping centers are only a mile away.
South Arkansas and North Louisiana
South Arkansas Astronomical Society
Jarrod Perry
yes i will be doin that in Monroe,LA i will print some flyers out and post them in town not sure were ill be havin it
but i will let u know hi
Baton Rouge
I will have my scope available in Baton Rouge, LA on this day. I have also requested other members of Baton
Rouge Astronomy Society to join me in this event Norman V. Ryan, Sr.
Bruce Tinkler, Member at Large
Herman Heyn, the Baltimore Sidewalk Astronomer
will be out, location to be announced.
Ann Arbor
Boyne City Rebecca Follette
comment: I was able to enjoy a night to remember with a large group when I was younger, It was held at N.A.S.A in Cleveland
Ohio there were so many scopes to take a peak with, I'm glad your giving this same opportunity to others like myself, It was
an overwhelming feeling one I'll never forget. and one I hope will be a night to remember for others. Thanks Rebecca
On 19 may 2007 our local Wendy's Restaurant is sponsoring International Sidewalk Astronomers
Day and is doing the advertising for it. I will have my Mead LX90GPS set up along with my XT12 Skyquest Orion Newtonian
on a Dobson mount with Interlliscope computerized Object Locator, and last but not least I will have a tripod mounted Nikon
10X50 Binoculars.
Depending on how well this works out we may make this a regular public event.
I am Social chairman of the Muskegon Astronomical Society here in Muskegon, MI. Our website is
We hold a number of public open houses during the warmer months here, and one of the events happens to be on May
19th! So we will already be out, more specifically at the west end of Muskegon Lake here. If there is anything
that I could incorporate into our public session, please let me know. Thank you very much!
Keep Looking Up, John Armstrong
Traverse City
The Grand Travers Astronamical Society in Traverse City is going to participate in the sidewalk astronomy event on the
19th we have at least three telescopes going to the sidewalks of Traverse City. SCOTT ANTTILA
More >>>
St. Anthony
St. Anthony, Minnesota at 39th and Silver Lake Road
Minneapolis / St. Paul
Minnesota Astronomical Society will have 3 participants. Katy Haugland who will set up in "Uptown" Minneapolis , Dan Maciej at Wilson School
in Coon Rapids and Jacci LaVaque uncertain location..
I would like to be part of this
event. I will set up my scope somewhere in the Maplewood area in St Paul Mn 55117 Todd Parisien
Weather permitting, I will be at Indian Mounds Park in St. Paul, either in the park itself
or the overlook at Mounds and McClean intersection.
St. Louis
International Sidewalk Astronomy Night
Saturday, May 19, 2007 at Francis Park
Come and stargaze with members of the Saint Louis Astronomical Society on Saturday evening, May 19 at
Francis Park in south St. Louis. John Dobson, famous for promoting amateur astronomy to the general public, is promoting this
event as the "first International Sidewalk Astronomy Night." The goal is to take 1,000 telescopes to the public on the same
night worldwide, reaching hundreds of thousands of people and uniting amateur astronomers on different continents. For more
information on this worldwide event, see
Our own local event will be held right here in Francis Park in south St. Louis city, on Tamm Avenue at
Itaska Street. Come and take a look at the beautiful crescent Moon, Venus, and the magnificent ringed planet Saturn, and speak
to experienced local amateur astronomers about our fascinating universe. The International Sidewalk Astronomy Night event
at Francis Park begins at 7:00 pm and ends at 10:00 pm. In case of heavy clouds or rain, we will be there again for our regular
stargazing event on Wednesday, May 23 at 7:00 pm.
Central Missouri Astronomical Association will be out at Fairview School with at least 5 telescopes. Val Germann
Hi Folks, The Sidewalk Astronomers in Dillon, Montana will be outside with two telescopes on May 19. We'll be just to the west of the Interstate 15 exit #62, by the turn-around. Clear skies, Tom Satterly
“Sidewalkers”, Space Science for Schools has been the Lake Tahoe
Basin “Sidewalk” astronomers for a number of years.
We have a free star party scheduled on May 19th at the Sand
Harbor Nevada State
Park on that date with both Solar and dark sky telescope observing on that date. We have
been providing these programs to educate the public on dark sky initiatives (International Dark Sky Association members) and
to stimulate science learning. It is a pleasure to join your group. Paul H. Guttman, M.D. Executive
Director, Space Science for Schools, a 501(c)(3) corporation 930 Tahoe Blvd. #802-520 Incline Village, NV 89451 775-831-3233
New Hampshire
I belong to the New Hampshire Astronomical Society Some of our members are interested in sidewalk astro events like yours, and are interested in joining.
So, how do we do it?
email: Name: Gardner Gerry phone: 603-860-6469 address: 18 Brook Rd., Litchfield, NH 03052 comment: Donna, this looks
like fun, I'll try to organize our club, although it is 2 weeks after our astronomy day event, we still should get a few out
there. Thanks for organizing this!
New Jersey
Monmouth County
We have a 10" dob. and an 8" SCT and we will be observing with 8 people in Monmouth county NJ on ISAN as long as weather
permits! Any others like to join please email at Football13w@optonline.netCome support ISAN, please email for info and location!! Backyard Gazers
Herman Heyn, the renowned Baltimore Sidewalk Astronomer, sent me an email describing International Sidewalk
Astronomy Night. As one of the larger astronomy
organizations in the Mid Atlantic, we are interested in experimenting with sidewalk astronomy. We are active in much public outreach, but have always worked at schools
or our club observatory. Never in downtown Princeton. Herman has shown me the way, and we are planning to set
up adjacent to our public library. Princeton is well-known for its university as well as the Institute for Advanced
Study (where, among many others, Einstein did most of his later work).
New Mexico
The Albuquerque Astronomical Society has 4 telescope operators committed to ISAN. We will be setting up outside
the Flying Star Cafe on Juan Tabo Blvd. NE, from 7pm until they close. (Barring weather complications.)
Thank you for organizing this event.
Truth or Consequences
I'm in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. I don't believe there is a club here but I love
your idea. I'll set up two scopes at the small park separating the two one way streets of Main and Broadway at the Nth
end of town. I haven't used them for awhile myself but I'm sure I can pick out Saturn, Jupiter (I believe will be out),
and a few deep sky objects……Saturn never ceases to amaze though. Count me in and kudos to whoever is on
New York
Well this year it's just me and some friends. However for next year I have the local planetarium where I am a volunteer
interested . I am working on the local observatory and a local conservation center that has a direct Hubble hook up as well.
So keep me in the loop. If it rains we will do something in doors. Thanks John E. VanLoke
While I am relatively new at sidewalk astronomy, having only attempted it one
time, I do intend to try again on May 19. I will be at the United Methodist Church parking lot, Friendship Street, Bolivar,
NY Don Ferguson
Long Island
Little Genesee Don Ferguson While I am relatively new at sidewalk astronomy, having only attempted it one
time, I do intend to try again on May 19. I will be at the United Methodist Church parking lot, Friendship Street, Bolivar,
I have been active as a volunteer at Stars-n-Parks Public Observing
Nights at Cherry Springs State Park, PA for several years.
Bruce Kamiat
Amateur Ast. Assoc of NY will be out in Upper Manhattan.
for Guild Of Manhattan Sidewalk Astronomers
(sorry the links are too long)
Rik Davis and I will probably be at 81 St. & Central Park West, where the subway and the bus stop are. That's a higher
traffic area (I think) than inside the park. We are still considering Turtle Pond as an alternative, though.
The only
downside of the Central Park West location is that the trees will block the view of Venus and the Moon from sometime in the
middle of the evening--we wouldn't be able to follow it very far down. There's a lot of sky viewable from that spot, though.
It's surely not as dark as Turtle Pond, but I think the idea of May 19 is to go where we don't normally go so as to catch
the public where THEY are. While the warm weather does bring a lot of people into the park, a far greater number of people
come out of the subway exit on Central Park West and go to and from that bus stop.
Since Turtle Pond is just inside
the park there, I guess we could always try Central Park West and then move into the park when Venus goes behind the tree,
if it seems like a better choice.
Bruce Kamiat
New York City
The group, Top of the Lawn will be out on the Great Lawn, Central Park, in NYC. They will have
a variety of scopes. Peter Tagatac
Our club
(the Amateur Astronomers Association of New York) will participate in Sidewalk Astronomy Night. I plan to be at the
Brooklyn Heights Esplanade that evening (overlooking the East River and lower Manhattan). I hope that several other members of the
club will be at other locations.
I will
keep track on our website ( who will be observing that evening and where he/she will be. I will post information for anyone observing in or near
NYC that night, whether or not they are AAA members. PLEASE CHECK THIS WEBSITE IF YOU ARE IN THE NYC AREA. Rich
On Saturday May 19th an important event for amateur astronomers will take place. This will be
International Sidewalk Astronomy Night, when amateurs around the globe will take their scopes out for passersby to look
through. We'll have something to show them, for a crescent Moon will be only 1 degree from Venus in the west. In addition,
Saturn will be up and at 9:30 PM Jupiter rises in the southeast. Three of Jupiter's moons will be visible - if you wait
until 11:20 PM, Io will reappear from behind Jupiter.
Those of you who don't have telescopes can bring binoculars,
which will be perfect to show the Moon and Venus. If you don't have binoculars, bring yourself. You'll have a fun time
and help create a "critical mass" of people so that folks walking by will stop to see what's going on.
Where should
we go? Where people are! For example, I'll be at the Brooklyn Heights Promenade at the end of Montague Street. On a balmy
spring Saturday evening it gets pretty crowded. You may have a similar spot nearby.
How will people know where the
telescopes are? If you're bringing a scope or binoculars, once you've picked a spot, let me know where, when and what equipment
at I'll post it on our website <> . Those looking for a view of the heavens can find out where to go from
our site.
Hi! I have been doing sidewalk astronomy in New York City for the last 10 years and will be out the night of the 19th.
Forecast is good at ahis time. I am a member of Amatuer Astronomers Association of New York which has been around since 1927.
Many of our members will be out that night. Visit: Tom McIntyre]
i live in south richmond hill ny 11419.
i take my goto scope out to the front of my house along with my lap-top an ccd camera to show live views of the moon,
venus saturn ect.
but i dont know of any astronomy club in the area or of any one other than myself that owns a telescope. mostly
teens come by to see what out in the sky.but i would like to share more info about the objects in the sky.
if your group knows of any one or any group in my area that is doing the same on the 19th
Westchester County
Jeffrey Jacobs
location TBA
North Carolina
I would love to be part of this event. 8 inch Dobosonian scope to bring out into the world. Penny in the Wade, Godwin, Falcon, Eastover area of NC
I have just recently received information about the ISAN and joined your group. As a member of the Charlotte
Amateur Astronomy Club in Charlotte, NC, I just posted a notice of your event on their Yahoo message board and hope to get
several people interested.
I have invited everyone (about 37 people) from the local camera club I belong to to show up tomorrow night in my backyard
in Strasburg, OH to view through my recently acquired Orion 12" Skyquest Dobsonian. Don't know how many will show up
but in the words of my good friend Fritz Kleinhans, professor of astronomy at Indiana University and high school compatriot,
"Clear skies!!" Barry Scholles Strasburg, OH
My group is definitely up for this one. We have done a lot of sidewalk astronomy and people love it. Businesses also
love it when we set up outside their establishment. The Southeast Ohio Astronomical Society will have telescopes set
up on Court Street in Athens, Ohio, on May 19 from 9 - midnight. We will have four telescopes set up at different locations
along Court St. -Maryann Hartwick
Grove City
I would like to be part of this event.
Tim Bondurant
4236 Calburn Circle
Grove City, OH 43123
I will be setting up in downtown Oxford, Ohio on May 19. I have been doing sidewalk for more than 10 years, and I have
just discovered your group. I do have some great stories about sidewalk. Thanks Terry Hubbert
Baker City
The astronomers of Baker City, Oregon, an as yet to be organized group, plan to set up their telescopes along main street
Saturday night. At an elevation of 3440 feet and far from larger metropolitan areas we anticipate pretty good seeing despite
the downtown lighting. I guess we'll see. R.G. Rienks, Program Coordinator,
Columbia River Gorge
for exact location
North Eugene High School Astronomy Club. At last night's meeting we decided to (weather permitting) set up a few
scopes near the front of North Eugene High School on the WEST side. (200 Silver Lane, Eugene OR 97404) We will begin
setting up at about 8:30pm on Sat., May 19 and have the telescopes available for viewing the moon & Venus, Saturn
and hopefully a few globular clusters will be bright enough to see from that area. We'll be there for about an hour after
what most people consider "dark.
Jean Grendler, Night Sky Network coordinator for the club and one of the advisors. Mailing address: 3330
Alder St. Eugene, OR 97405
Grants Pass
My Astronomy
class reported this event in class and 10 students and I will be moving several telescopes (all on Dobsonian mounts) downtown
in Grants
Pass Oregon for the evening. John Salinas Rogue Community College 3345 Redwood Highway
Grants Pass,
OR 97527
John Souza will have a scope out in Portland,
More >>>
I just saw your website this week on the May 19 event. I live in Collegeville, PA (near Philadelphia) and would like to
participate in it. We have a small park in the center of town and I'll bring a couple of scopes there. Thanks,
Ken Roundy
South Dakota
Sioux Empire Astronomy Club
Fernando Nino 402 S Shebal Ave Harrisburg, SD 57104
We have 9 club members setting up is different areas around town thks
We at theCumberland Astronomical Society are planning to be set up at several locations
throughout the Gallatin, Hendersonville, and Rivergate areas on May 19th. Exact locations
have yet to be determined but are planning to be set up in local retail areas and other high traffic locations. Thanks for contacting us and we are looking forward to participating in this annual event! Allen Ball -CAS
I'm high in the Rockies 31 miles west of Antonito, Colorado and will try this at a lodge nearby where there may
be some tourists. John Huntsberger
We take our scope to the local elementary school occasionally and invite people via the
school’s weekly greensheet. We get 10 to 20 people several times a year. We'll be out on the 19th. Charles R.
I'm a cub scout den leader in Plano, Texas. We've got a campout scheduled for next Saturday, and I was excited
to see that it was national sidewalk astronomy night. We'll set up the telescope at the campout - so not really a public place,
but wanted you to know we're taking part in this.
Thanks! Chris Alcott Cub Scout Pack 254
Is good to see that there are others looking at the stars and that You all are trying to expand other to look as well.
Don Hemry
"In commemoration of International Sidewalk Astronomy Night (and Day!), The Southern Vermont Astronomy Group (SoVerA)
will host a Public "Sun + Star Party" on "The Green" in Chester, Vermont from 6:00 - 11:00PM on the afternoon of Saturday,
19 May. With telescopes and binocular, we will be observing the sun until it sets, then the night sky, including Moon, Venus,
Saturn, Jupiter, as well as many deep sky objects. This event is free to persons of all ages and experience. Members of SoVerA
will be on hand to answer questions and conduct small demonstrations of how things in the universe work. More information
at: "
Springfield Telescope Makers (hosts of the Stellafane convention) will be in downtown Springfield VT, probably at the
town square by the movie theater, from 8pm until 11pm with home made telescopes and binoculars. Our website is
Elk Creek
Elaine B. Osborne
Echo Ridge Astronomical Society
Solar Observing/Night Observing
Elk Creek Virginia 24326
Elk Creek, Virginia in front of a Rescue Squad building during their annual Barbecue.
Approximately 500 people will attend from 12:00 noon till 8:00 p.m. |
The Echo Ridge Astronomical Society, located near Galax, VA, will participate in the Sidewalk Astronomy Night on May
19th, 2007. For information contact: Stephen Nichols by email at or by phone at (276)233-1321. We will post the location on our website as soon as confirmed.
The Roanoke Valley Astronomical Society plans to take part in the 1st Annual Sidewalk Astronomy Night. The RVAS hopes to
have a multitude of telescopes up in several places to help in this event, and to bring Astronomy to the public. You can visit
our website at, or contact Mike Overacker at mike at for more information.
The Northern Cross Science Foundation ( will have their observatory at Harrington Beach State Park open on the night of May 19. We may also have some other scopes
at different locations, - below.
I'm on the board of the Northern Cross Science Foundation, an amateur astro club north of the city of Milwaukee
So far, we'll have 8 members with 8 telescopes and a pair of big binoculars at the newly re-opened Bayshore Town Center
(mall) in Glendale, WI. Our exact location can be found on our web site: (specific page =
We'll have Dobs of all sizes, some 15x77 binos, and an ETX-125. Mall management is very interested in having us set up.
This event is very coincidental - I was already in conversations with their Events Planner about doing sidewalk astronomy
only days before we learned of the ISAN. I'm confident the event will be "attended" by dozens of passers-by. Hopefully scores
of them - or more!. I believe that the mall management will invite us back throughout the summer.
This is such a great idea!
PLEASE visit our web page and add links to the NCSF/ISAN page
( to your site.
Clear skies!
Robert Powell
8 to 10 members of the Northern Cross Science Foundation will be at the Bayshore Town Center, a mall in the northern Milwaukee
suburb of Glendale, WI.
We'll have a 13" Dob, a couple of 10" Dobs, some big binoculars, and more! Mall management has embraced the idea completely.
Find a link to the NCSF web page of ISAN activity here:
Please add Bayshore Town Center to your web listing. Their address:
5800 N. Bayshore Drive, Glendale, WI 53217. We'll be set up at 6 PM just west of the Discovery Channel Store (across from
Alterra Coffee Roasters).
Mineral Point
The Iowa County Astronomers ( will have a couple of scopes set up on High Street in Mineral Point, Wisconsin. We may also have scopes in Dodgeville,
Wisconsin but haven't firmed up a location yet. For more information and contact information, check our website.
New London
At the Mosquito Hill Nature Center, in New London. For more info check out this webpage.