2nd International Sidewalk Astronomy Night
Posters, button, artwork
Sample of customized flyer
Combine Activities
Take Part - Sign Up! ISAN 2008 Results
ISAN Regional Contacts
Sidewalk Astronomers Flyer 1
Sidewalk Astronomers - Flyer 2
International Sidewalk Astronomy Night - flyer 3
Posters, button, artwork
Joining the Sidewalk Astronomers


ISAN Official Button

We have the buttons available on our website store. Last year we had a problem with some bad addresses, I still have envelopes with buttons that were returned - some more than once. As you can imagine, the cost of mailing some of these packages internationally was substantial. This year, we are asking for a donation of $1 plus a small shipping charge. We understand that this can get expensive if you have a large number of participants in your club, so please contact me (dsmith1055@earthlink.net) if you need a large number buttons and I will give you instructions on how to order them.

Order Buttons